This is a testimony, I am not afraid to share even though I know the village people can vex, I serve a living God I am not afraid of any village people… I said what I said.
I wrote about my sleep issues and I must appreciate everyone that offered some help, some went as far as making me concoctions, someone sent me a drink from Lokoja, lots of people prescribed many options, I don’t take the love for granted, thank you.
My sleep pattern is a lot better, not there yet but I now sleep for at least four hours; this might sound ludicrous but believe me, it’s a testimony from where I’m coming from. I don’t intend to make this a long one but I want everyone of you that tried to help know that you are the best thing to happen to me since the turn of the year.
I figured I sleep better when I don’t sleep in my house, my therapist said that could be a mental block against my bedroom, the doctor said maybe the sleep hygiene in my bedroom is poor, dem church people said it’s spiritual… Well we move!
I am happy to announce to y’all that I took the sleep problem to God in prayers on NLP, and it has been better since, if you don’t know NLP, it is the morning prayer session of Harvesters.
Yes, I sleep better now and I hope it even gets better than this. I will come back here and tell you I now sleep for at least six hours without interruptions on a consistent basis. I call it into existence in Jesus name. See y’all tomorrow.