Meghan Markle, known as the Duchess of Sussex, is set to premiere her new Netflix lifestyle series ‘With Love, Meghan’ on January 15. The series focuses on cooking, gardening, and crafting, featuring Meghan sharing her personal tips. However, it has stirred controversy, with critics like Meghan McCain branding it ‘out of touch’ and ‘tone deaf’ amidst global and national crises.
Meghan Markle faces criticism in the UK for reasons rooted in cultural, societal, and media dynamics. She has been accused of breaching royal protocol by taking an unconventional approach to duties, which some viewed as overly progressive. Media portrayal has often contrasted her negatively with Kate Middleton, amplifying perceived discrepancies in behavior. Racism and xenophobia have also been highlighted, with critics pointing to biases against her mixed-race heritage and American nationality.
The couple’s decision to step back from royal duties (“Megxit”) drew backlash, with critics accusing them of harming the monarchy’s reputation. Meghan and Harry have also been labeled hypocritical for advocating privacy and environmental causes while engaging in high-profile interviews and using private jets. Cultural differences, her perceived American influence, and lucrative ventures like Netflix deals have further fueled criticism. Some blame her for royal family tensions, particularly with Prince William and King Charles III.