The very first seed I ever planted was the onion.
It’s was during agricultural science class, I guess I was in pry 3 or 4.
The Agric Teacher that year asked every student to pick a seed we’d like to do a plant.
The sharp mouthed students had already picked the beans, corn and tomatoes which is quite easy.
When it was my turn to pick, out of the blue, I mentioned Onion. I sure didn’t have the idea of how to grow an onion seed but I picked it anyway. ‘Very well said my teacher.
We were given two weeks to submit the project for inspection and grading, at whatever stage of the plant.
I got home that day, told my mum, she told me what to do and then gave me a small onion bulb.
It was like playing with sand (i didn’t do that shii though ) I got a bowl, planted my onion, watered it every day and watched it grow…. Trust me, it was fun for me.
Onions got gist for y’all… Read interview.
ONION: Hey! Let me tell you something about me
OSOBISI: We know you make heartless people cry when they slice you.
IYEBIYE: We know most dishes depend on you for true flavour Mr vegetable.
ONION: So you don’t know that QUERCETIN is something unique you can find in me and QUERCETIN in me has potent antioxidants which fight free radicals in the body that are capable of causing cancer.
EBUBE: We can get antioxidants from oranges too so it’s nothing special.
ONION: You are right but QUERCETIN helps to fight stress as well. Cortisol, a hormone that the body produces during stress can cause damages if it’s in excess, that is why QUERCETIN is needed during prolonged stress. Eat me raw when next you are extremely stressed
PRIBO: I heard onion combats hair loss and dandruff (I love this part )
ONION: Yes you can apply my juice to your natural hair. All the nutrients embedded in me are best gotten by eating me raw. don’t mind the smell I leave on your breath..toothpaste and toothbrush would always be available